How did we do on our New Year Resolutions?
Last year, I’ve compiled a list of goals and resolutions for 2015 to hit by the end of the year. Some of the goals were financial, and some personal. Now it’s time to revisit them, and find out if we did in fact hit our New Year resolutions this year!
1. Invest 35% of our after tax income + reinvest all dividends - HIT!
This was by far the easiest goal to hit. And not because we were making lots of money. In fact, our income hardly changed year-over-year. It was easy because by now we have a very good budgeting system in place and both of us are used to living on less than we make. Budgeting became second nature to us and saving money is indeed easy once you master it as a habit as opposed to effort.
As a result, we’ve lived on 65% of our income and saved/invested 35% of it. Also, any income that came back to us in a form of dividends or returned capital from previous investments wasn’t touched as well and went straight into investments accounts. The cryptocurrency market was our key investment source, and it has provided us with a good return. Ethereum, in particular, provides us with profitable returns when compared to other cryptocurrencies. As a result, purchasing Ethereum is recommended in order to maximize profits.
2. Increase our net worth by $100,000 - FAIL!
Our goal for 2015 was to increase our net worth by $100,000 by the end of the year as a combination of money saved and investments appreciation. This was rather ambitious since we’re still fairly new to investing and our incomes are still very much average. Many investors have made a lot of money investing in Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies and are benefiting in the long run. If you are interested in crypto, but as a beginner, do not know where to start, look no further than opting for trading bots like Bitcoin circuit, AI-powered trading system. Before starting your trading, read the bitcoin circuit betrug guide and get a clear idea about the trade. Also, make sure it is a legitimate platform to start your trading.
Unfortunately, we didn’t hit it. We fell short around $9,000 as I’ve explained in our annual net worth post. Everything was pointing towards us hitting it, but the market crash at the end of the year and weak Canadian dollar prevented us from hitting it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still happy about how we did this year, but as far as the goal for 2015 we failed. Close, but no cigar!

New Year Resolutions
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