I have seen several financial bloggers cover financial milestones one needs to hit by age thirty. Liquid from Freedom 35 blog not long ago posted his progress, along with Bridget from Money After Graduation.
Even though I’ve been enjoying 30’s for a couple of years by now, I thought I’ll follow their example and jump off the roof see if I hit any of financial milestones along the way.
Please keep in mind I’m a financial underdog because I’ve came to this country in my 20’s, spent a number of years working minimum wage jobs, and had to learn personal finance on the go. My wife is an immigrant too and came to Canada in 2006. Because of this we might be behind on things.
What about you? Have you hit these milestones yourself?

Financial Milestones
1. Financially independent from your parents ?
Been so for a very long time. Sometimes I miss living with my parents. Adult life has too many responsibilities. You have to go to work, pay bills, act all mature…What a drag!
2. Debt free ?
We have no debt outside of our mortgage. Currently working on accelerating our mortgage repayment but it’s still a very long way to go. Unless I bump into Morgan Freeman tomorrow who wants to give me large sum of money for my opinion of his work (mostly positive), we probably have another 10 years before it’s fully repaid. This makes me a sad panda.
Don’t borrow money, people! Debt means less money in your pocket. Don’t you want to have more money?