Here are some interesting stats for you:
- Average American spends 3 hours/day watching TV for a grand total of 90 hours/month
- Using your mobile device comes at 30 hours/month - talking, texting, playing games, etc.
- We spend 13 hours/month playing video games (obviously this number is much higher for younger people though some seniors might be addicted to Tetris, you never know).
- Exercising only takes around 9 hours/month for most people
- We socialize for almost 20 hours/month (including online and in person)
Rest of the time we spend working, sleeping, and eating. I could not find studies showing how much time we spend standing in front of the fridge pondering about food (at least 4 hours in my case) or arguing with your spouse whose turn it is to take the garbage out (none in our family - it’s ALWAYS me).

Managing money